Portucel Moçambique will establish its forestry plantations in keeping with a set of management rules which take account of economic, social, technical, operational and environmental aspects, thereby optimising the use of woodlands and adding value for society as a whole.

Portucel Moçambique will plant forests in the licensed areas in a gradual process over 15 years, using a mosaic model which makes it possible to share the use of the land and the project benefits with local communities.

The company's plantations will be established on land which communities and families regards as suitable for the purpose. This model will enable local people to retain their community lands and provide the foundations for sustainable forestry.

The trees planted are sourced from nurseries located in Portucel Moçambique's licensed areas, optimising the transport of the saplings to the planting areas and further increasing the use of local manpower.

The company has built various traditional eucalyptus nurseries, and is developing nurseries that use the most modern technology that optimise the management of necessary natural resources and improve the growth of plants.


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